On June 17th, 2021, Otniel Hernandez and his wife Gaby celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary. One month and twelve days after their wedding, they started the ministry of “La Cosecha” – The Harvest.
Oti reflects on God’s faithfulness throughout the last 15 years. “We are very grateful to God that He has sustained us and given us love and patience for one another… There have been difficult years but also we can say there have been years of joy and gratefulness to see the sovereign hand of God in these years.”
Now, 15 years later, they are reaping the benefits of serving God faithfully. Marco Merari, a young man who was in recovery with them six years ago and has faithfully been a part of La Cosecha church, has dedicated his Wednesdays to teaching and sharing God’s Word with the men of La Cosecha. Serving alongside him is his wife, Dolce. Others have also expressed a willingness to serve in this way, speaking words of truth and hope into the lives of men on the road to recovery.
“Right now most of them [the residents] are quite young with a lot of enthusiasm and confidence to move forward and continue with their lives–now with the knowledge of Christ who will lead them in a sure path.”
In addition to teaching these young men about freedom in Christ, residents of La Cosecha take care of sheep–4 ewes, 1 ram, and 3 lambs–and cultivate a vegetable garden, trees, and a small crop of corn. “Thankfully we have benefited from some very good rains,” Oti says. The rain has also provided plenty of grass for the sheep to eat.
The effects of Covid, however, are still very much a concern. “Here in Mexico we see the 3rd wave of contagion coming. And in the same way it is increasing in Oaxaca, because people, especially young people, have relaxed very much regarding sanitary measures and now we are beginning to see the consequences.” Oti expresses hope that the vaccination program will continue to advance.
Despite the concern of the virus, Oti chooses to focus on God’s provision and faithfulness, saying, “The Lord shows us His love and provision daily, and is faithful to His Word.” No matter what challenges or tribulations come our way, we can stand strong on God’s promises and faithfulness.
For everyone who supports La Cosecha through prayer or financial giving, Oti says, “We are very grateful to you and to God for having put you in our path. Thank you for being part of us.”
La Cosecha is a recovery house in Oaxaca, Mexico, which focuses on helping people overcome their addictions through the power of the Holy Spirit. Click here to learn more about La Cosecha.