Hello Christ’s Family,
Its once again a pleasure to write you about the Good Works of God which you have for the past one year supported in Ghana. We hope you are fine and filled with joy from God the Father of Our Jesus Christ.
We are so grateful to be part of God’s plan to save the world. So far the work you entrusted to us, the Ghanaian team, has been so successful. Non-Christians and even idol worshipers alike have not rejected the Word we bring them. There are so many villages and on so many occasion we have been asked by our dear friends to bring our church in their villages.
There are numerous challenges, but among these challenges, there is only one that we pray that the talking Bibles help clarify in the villages. The people in the past have believed that the smaller gods or the idol they have worship from many generations is the same God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is a notion that they are worshiping God the father through the smaller gods. This same thing even have been thought in schools that the traditionalists worship God through the smaller gods.
Day by day, we believe the truth and lights that has reached them through the talking Bibles will help clarify things. As at now, we can put about 1000 talking bibles out there and we bet they will not be waste but can help convert many people. Sometimes its very sad to go to a village and realize that their language is not a written language and there is not even a Bible translated into their language. Also it also breaks our heart to drive past many villages without giving them a talking Bible.
We can spend the entire time writing about how our dear brothers and sisters have been misinformed as far truth, but we know that God has chosen us all to help in correcting the mistakes through the talking Bibles. We are really focused on a system that will make our work more effective in way that the talking Bibles would be used day by day. At this moment, our dear friends’ knowledge of the Word of God is more important and for that matter we don’t think its advisable to give a household its own talking Bibles, if that happens they become reluctant of hearing the Word. Sharing the talking Bible among two or more villages help them use the talking Bibles when they receive it for that short period.
We made this decision of not giving a talking Bible to a small village to be used alone based on the fact that many of them claim they are Christians and when asked why they don’t belong to any denomination or even go to a nearby church, they reply by saying they will go when the time comes. Therefore, we put the talking Bibles in the same situation and represent it as the church and the people being reluctant of going to church. The whole idea is to make the talking Bible very scarce and precious and that they should consider it a great opportunity when its their turn to listen and that the talking Bibles will not stay with them at all times.
On the regional news, we need more talking Bibles and we have recorded numerous languages that we need as soon as possible but we are waiting for the training and also want to see what Tory has to say after visiting the villages with us before we place the order. There are also languages which we have not heard before and are researching to see if there is another name for such language or a closer language which is written and can serve as a second language for those people who don’t have their translation.
We wanted to send you a weekly regional emails but after sending the Eastern region email, we couldn’t continue because of lack of internet at the places we went. We arrived home yesterday and couldn’t write because we were so tired. There are three more regions to write about and we will write about them in a separate email. Greetings from everyone to you. May the good Lord grant you a joyful banquet and expect a separate email also from the rest of the three villages.
Kwame and Richard.