Bob brings several years of experience as a welder to OE, with most of his experience in under water welding in barges. His most recent work experience was in part ownership of a bakery in Glenwood. Bob had to give up his partnership in the bakery business, however, three years ago when he was diagnosed with Myopothy, a muscle disease that left him without the use of his legs.
David Ask, a volunteer with The Regeneration Center, who had an active role in the start up of OE, knew Bob and knew of his welding skills. Bob was homebound when David approached him with the opportunity to take on the role of the OE welding instructor.
For Bob, this was an answer to prayer, an opportunity to have a new purpose in life despite his disability. Bob says, he was looking for something to keep him busy “instead of dwindling away” when Ask contacted him.
Bob is an overcomer and does not think of himself as handicapped. Bob said, “I may be handicapped but I’m not really. Now wheels are my legs”.
Ready to do whatever it takes to accomplish the task in front of him, with his new “legs”, Bob first travelled from his home in Glenwood to the shop in Alexandria via a local bus service. Then recently, Bob purchased a van equipped for him to drive himself to and from work.
At OE, Bob will train welding to ex-offenders who want to turn their lives around and are willing to learn a new skill to make them more employable. We seek to subcontract welding and machining jobs to use as teaching opportunities. We also train each student in important Life Skills, such as resume writing, anger management, overcoming addiction and financial planning.
For more information about OE, please contact the Operations Manager, Dave Schonberg at 320-815-3590.