Many people have told us that they could not do what we are doing, that it is not their cup of tea. But the Lord has given us each our own cup of tea for the task that He wants us to do. MIF or TIF (milk in first, tea in first), hot milk, cold milk, sugar, no sugar.
The Lord does not ask us all to do the same thing, He just asks that we are willing and open to whatever He does have for us.
We have a cup of tea that we would like you to pray about to see if the Lord has given it to you. Our lives are far too overloaded and we need another couple to come alongside us to do admin—book keeping, payroll, reports, PR, and to give us a break every 3 months to recharge our batteries. We love what we do and we want to continue with our cup of tea without getting burned out.
You may need black tea to be here and do this but if it is what you are to be doing, it will be like a smooth cup with just the right amount of milk and sugar!
Maybe the Lord wants you to help with providing or serving the cup of tea.
Marv and Marie
Place of Hope Africa
Note: Marv and Marie serve full time providing emergency housing and care for children in South Africa. Visit their website here for contact information and to learn more about the ministry of Place of Hope Africa.