In January of 2017, Tory Bjorklund traveled to Sri Lanka as part of an evangelical team led by Chris Mikkelson. While he was there, he met Pastor Sathees Kumar who oversees several churches. Pastor Sathees is the church planting director who sits on the Assembly of God council over all of Sri Lanka.
November 2017, the first Audio Bibles from TRC Ministries arrived in Sri Lanka
A small team made up of Tory Bjorklund, Janette Hoffman, and Sara Hoffman traveled to Sri Lanka to distribute 100 Proclaimer audio bibles that they carried into the country in their suitcases. Once they arrived, they helped conduct a Discovery Bible Study Training for over 100 pastors, and attended and participated in several prayer gatherings throughout their one week visit.
Less than 10% of the population in this predominantly Buddhist country is Christian.
TRC Ministries is working with Pastor Sathees and others to bring the bible to these people in their own language through our audio bible ministry. We also see God raising up Christians who are dedicated to bringing the gospel message to their own people. We are working to train them to bring the gospel message and plant churches in their own country.